Monday, November 30, 2009

Barbie Complex- Chelsea

The public does not know the way in which advertisers manipulate the public's wants and desires. The reasons why we are drawn to certain products are they depict everything that we want in life by people we want to be just like. Many people would argue that they dictate what we want in life by showing us how happy it will make us. They shape our culture by telling us that we want to be married because the people advertisements are and they are incredibly happy. They also shape our culture by setting the standard for the way we look. All women at one point in their life are self-conscious because they do not look like the models in advertisements. Advertisements are the reason why women obsess about their weight and the way they look. I do not know about most people, but I do know that I do not want to live in a world where advertisements tell me what I want or how I should look.

Citation: "Barbie has cankles? Give me a break. ." newsokblodding 11/2/2009: 2. Web. 6 Dec 2009. .

What is considered beautiful- Chelsea

Upon my reflections, why would you want a girl to be so skinny? Do people think seeing your ribs is attractive? When did society become so hard on people as to make people not eat or get liposuction? Wasn't there a time when portly woman were looked as attractive? I mean, who needs a someone with their bones sticking.

Advertisements play a large part in our culture. The images that are used in most advertisements are our fantasies. They portray beautiful, thin people having a great time with whatever product is being sold. According to ads, all women are stick skinny with very large breasts, and all men have a six pack of abs and the pecs to go along with them. Most all people wish they looked as perfect as the models in advertisements, and the advertisers use it to their advantage. This is very disheartening for the normal people of the world.

Citation: "Skinny Girls." Wheres the Rissotto? 01/09/2009: 1. Web. 6 Dec 2009. .

The Perfect Body- Chelsea

The massive number of advertisements also shapes our culture. There is an enormous excess of advertisements in our culture; the amount of advertisements we see each day is incredible. I watched a half hour of television and within each three-minute commercial break there was an average of 6 commercials. There are advertisements everywhere. They are on television, on the Internet, in magazines, in newspapers, on billboards, on cars, on city buses, etc. No matter how hard one may try, there is no way to avoid all advertisements.

The commercials being used on channels that are targeted at impressionable adolescents and young adults are using sexism and gender stereotyping in order to sell products. Advertisements play a large part in our culture. They are all around us in massive numbers and most of the time we do not even notice them. All throughout the U.S. people have become numb to all the advertisements to the point where many of them are not even noticed. The ones that are noticed portray the classic dreams of most people. They show people getting married, growing old together, and being adventurous and living dangerously. They also portray the bodies that people desire most, and many argue that we desire those bodies because of advertisements. They show perfectly shaped models, and that is what most of our culture strive for. Although it affects men, it mostly affects women by making them very self-conscious. It is something that happens to all women, but the age when females begin to worry about their bodies is getting younger and younger. Children are seeing more and more advertisements, mainly commercials, which show perfect women and average men. It is pretty obvious why women are more self-conscious then men. In these commercials women are also shown in skimpier clothing then men.

Citation: Skinny Figuires ." Chron 02/6/2004: 1. Web. 6 Dec 2009. .